NFT tickets. Instruction
National ticket operator, Radario ticket system and Everscale blockchain platform have teamed up!
Now we are issuing NFT tickets together
Download the TON Surf app
From the official website or through the app store on your smartphone
Log in to the application using the Seed phrase from the letter that came to you after purchasing the ticket
Seed Phrase Example
"figure absorb there excite turtle impose board item idle tilt silly unique"
In the search box, enter the debot address:
In the search box, enter the debot address:
Follow the instructions below:
It's important to know
When issuing a refund, the NFT ticket disappears
You can go to the event either with an NFT ticket or with a regular one. But you can't use both formats at the same time.
The NFT ticket stays forever as an interesting memory and can always be found in Surf on your wallet